Child Labor

Hello, my name is Zack G. and I’m in Mr. Salvucci’s period six class. Child labor is not as prominent as in the past, but is still seen across the world. Child labor is simply the emploment of children that are under the legal minimum age. In the United States there have been laws passed to forbid child labor. In 1938 the Fair Labor Standards Act was passed and began the push for child labor the be banned not only on the United States but in he world. Although this act was passed child labor was still practiced across the globe.
Many things were done to enforce child labor to be illegal, but one of the most prominent things was in 1916 when the first federal child labor law was passed. This law enforced that children under a certain age could not work or move goods. Other laws were also passed by the federal government to forbid child labor during the twentieth century. These laws had a great affect on the world and succeeded for the most part.

The Meat Factories of 1899

Hello i am Andrew H. From Pd.9 an I would like to tell you about the 1899 meat factories…

In 1899 the troops of the US army became ill because of spoiled caned meat. Also, rats an other unsafe things had made their way into the meat factories. Obviously, this was an issue an president Teddy Roosevelt was one of the major people incharge of solving this issue.

Roosevelt’s idea to stop these issues was to brake down the company, by making them health cachous. This in turn, worked. Obviously it did, because there’s people here today.

Child Labor

Hello I am Zachary W from Mr.Sal’s period 6 20th class. Child labor does a lot of harm to children. Child labor is having children under the age of 15 working usually hard labor for very low wages. Childlabor is wrong for numerous reasons. It hurts a Childs development, and is just plain cruel. The International labor organization’s fouded a program called IPEC to help eradicate child labor. Thousands of kids march 125 miles to president Roosevelt home with Marry Harris Jones support to help get rid of the labor. However this did not help the problem because Roosevelt feared publicity from the leader and just said no. This problem remained all throughout the early 20th century. It did not become a law untill the Child Labor Deterrence Act of 1999 was passed. It allowed for no purchasing of goods made from kids overseas under the age of 15.

The first reason of child labor is that it can hurt a little kids physical and mental develpoment. Carrying big items around in factories all day can cause hernias and back problems. It can make the kid angry later in life beacause of all the unfair treatment he/she had. Socially it will hurts because the child will have no social skills because he couldn’t go to school because he/she had to work. Having children work in a man’s mill can get the child kill because they can lack the comon knowlegde of the equipment. Usually kids are also treated poorly and looked down upon in the work force and also are given most of the share of manuel labor. They are paid low wadges also for what they do and most of them had to support their family thats why they worked.


Hey my name is Ramie M. I am in Mr. Sal’s 20th century class period 1. I am writing about Crime. Crime is an action or an instance of negligence that is deemed injurious to the public welfare or morals or to the interests of the state and that is legally prohibited. Crime is something every country has and is world wide. Today’s crime is a lot worse than in the 1890’s.
Today’s crime mostly deals with violence and drugs. Like most people today are caught with illegal drugs and that is a big crime. Also, violence plays a big role in crime. Most people are put to jail. Police officers, Presidents, and people tried to prevent these things from happening but it didn’t work. In the 1890’s most of the crime delt with stealing which mostly revolved around the poor people cause they didn’t have the money to buy certain things so it made them have to steal. Hanging people and torturing them was a big problem. Also, race was a big issue back then which made the whites and blacks fight over different things. The civil rights came into play and tryed to stop these bad things , and the goverment also tryed to stop the crimes. In my oppinion I don’t think you can fix crime because no matter what happens it takes people to want to change and stop doing the things they do.

Child Labor Blog

Hey I am Cassie Drodge from period one 20 th century. The topic I have chosen is Child Labor. Which is also known as “child slavery.” Child Labor is “the employment of children who are under the legal age.” The ages of the children that are usually working are 5 years old to 17 years old. Children usually died before age 17 because of the manual labor they had to do was to rough on their bodies. The places the child labor is most common in the United States, Uzbekistan, Brazil, England and many places in Africa and South Africa. Most children usually decide to work because their family is poor or because they had no parents and have to survive on their owns. Child labor now and back then have many differences and similarities.

There were many attempts to end child labor in the Constitution, but there was not enough states that agreed with the law. Some differences back then to now is that children back then earned close to 23 percent of their families income. Now children earn less than that for their families. There has been many people and states that have tried to stop child labor back then, but no one was successful. An example of a state is England. England was one of the most common child labor areas of all. Another difference between now and then is that children have more rights now than back then because back then they would not give you any choices, you just did what they said. Some similarities are is that it is still occuring around the U.S., Africa, South Africa, and etc. Another similarity is that back then and now they are still trying to make laws to make sure children have certain rights too. Child labor occurs almiost every where in the world. It is thought by many that no matter what child labor will still be around for many years.

Urban Growth

My name is Clarissa and i am in Mr. Sal’s 9th period 20th century class. In the late 1800s only 20 percent of the people in the United States lived in towns or cities. By 1900 this percentage had doubled. The growth of cities is called urbanization. Urbanization is necessaraly not a bad thing unless it happens so rapidly that it cuases problems, like it did in the 18-1900s. Some of the problems caused by urbanization are overcrowding and not enough jobs.

Over crowding was a big problem. The apartments in New York city in 1910 had about 1.9 people per room living in them. Considewring the size of the rooms that was alot of people. As the cities became more croweded the suburbs were created. The Suburbs are the the outer part of the cities. The comunities begain to grow and blossome and the cities become less crowded.

Another of the resons cities had the problem of urbanization is beacuse most people came to the city looking for a job. With people coming into the city looking for jobs it helped creat the problem of over crowding. In order to creat more job opertunities new factories were oppend. The factories made it so the people in rural areas and the city could get jobs.

In all urbanizaton was a problem in the 20th century. It created many of problems. Some problems were solved and some we still have today.

Immigrants and the Problems They Caused for Urbanization

My name is DeVaughn P. from Mr. Sal’s 20th Century History class, 9th period, and this post explains the problems with the high number of immigrants that moved into the United States cities from Europe and from the south in the U.S.  Problems faced by immigrants, after the US became an established nation, were similar to all eras of immigration.  First there was the language barrier. Many immigrants did not speak English. Second was finding housing and then getting a job. If the immigrant had no friends or family already in the US, he or she was doubly handicapped. Many Americans disliked immigrants so there developed racial discrimination.  It was felt immigrants took jobs away from Americans, did not respect our customs and traditions, were usually of a nationality that had strange religious or nationality practices, and usually congregated in small areas of the cities.  All of these caused problems for the immigrants and the U.S.

Many people tried to fix the overcrowded conditions of the tenement buildings because it was dangerous to live there and the conditions were unsanitary.  The Muckrakers wrote about these conditions in the newspapers and magazines to try to get the public to be more aware of these problems.  Some people also tried to help the immigrants by standing up for them and talking about prejudice towards them and the blacks that moved north from southern states in the U.S. to try to find jobs.

They had been pretty successful because more people starting getting hired for jobs.

Urban Growth

Stephanie Kachinski
Period 1 Mr. Sal
Urban Growth
Urban Growth

In the late 1800s the popualation was about 20% of people in the United States lived in towns or cities. The United States was growing at a rappid rate. In the late 1800s this was the first sign of urban growth. This new growth in cities began to bring a tole on the city. Conditions begin to become life threading in some areas. So much growth started to effect people being able to get jobs. Many immigrants and factory workers were forced to live in the cities, causing over-crowdedness as the population began to expand with the economy. Disease was spread because of the close-quarters that people lived in, and the conditions at which meat was manufactured made the possibility for disease all the more real.
Today we are practically immune the communities expanding at a rapid rate. The population has nearly doubled since the 1800s. The rate we are at today, America looks as if the popuation is not going to decrease.

Cost of living :)

This is Jesse G from period one. How many kids are trying to find a job? How many adults are out trying to find one? Money is all anyone cares abou anymore. When are they going to get paid and how much are they getting paid. The cost of living has skyrocketed since the 1900’s. Prices have gone up immensely for the necessities, as in clothes, food, water and shelter. Many people were out of a home in the 1900’s. That number has just increased since then. With all of the immigration and people coming to America from over seas we are giving them jobs that belonged to good American citizens. The recession is another big factor as to why the cost of living has increased since the 1900’s.

1 bag of flour $1.80
Small measure of potatoes daily at .17 per day $1.19
1/4 lb of tea .38
1 qt milk .56
1 lb cheap coffee .35
Sugar 3 1/2 lb $1.05
1/2 ration meats per week $3.50
4 lb. butter $1.60
2 lb. lard .38
Dried apples for treats .25
Vegetables .50
Soap, starch, pepper, salt, vinegar, etc. $1.00
2 bushels of coal $1.36
Kerosene .30
Sundries .28
Rent $4.00 week

Total $18.50

This is a list of necessities that a family needed during one week. The family’s only income was their father, who only made $16.00 a week. The family’s costs were $2.50 more than what the father made. This just goes to show how you can work 14 to 16 hour days and made as little money as that during the recession and the depression era. Later on as necessities’ prices rose so did the income to the regular family. The regular income of a family of four was $25,000 a year. Things started looking up toward the 21st century. The average paycheck according to being payed minimum wage is around $275.00. This amount of money in the year 1915 would be worth $5,900.25 in 2010. This just goes to show how the years have changed the economical world.


Hi my name is Kyle F. I am talking about muckraker for my blog in class in 20th century. A muckraker is a person who investigates and reports. Muckrakers were normally around in the early stages of America during 1890’s and 1930’s. The writer focused on a lot of the main points in the Progressive Era time. most of the issues were meat packaging, patent medicines, and child labor. The word muckrakers came from President Theodore Roosevelt in 1906 when he was giving a speech. It can mostly mean to a person somebody that “could look no way but downward”.
There were many muckrakers in the US time some people got a lot of there stuff published. Nellie Bly is an original muckraker. She published “Ten Days in a Madhouse”. Muckrakers were pretty much just like a news reporter because they report true facts. They are not like the people that try to make people live’s miserable by making up lies. Muckrakers over all were good things back in the day.