Women Gain Political Recognition

in 1933 on March 4th, Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected president. Even more important the first lady, Eleanor Roosevelt, was the one making a difference. during the depression women were the first to be let go from their jobs and newspaper reporters got cut back, Eleanor Roosevelt held weekly conferences at the White House for only women reporters. Partially because of her influence women gained political recognition. also women got to keep their jobs. she also helped out when it came to presidential tasks. Eleanor Roosevelt had a huge impact during the 1930’s and that interests me.

Cultural Change During the 1920’s

Lots of changes occured during the 1920’s, from people changing clothing to the way they entertained themselves. One of the biggest changes was using automobiles. People changed their lifestyles in order to live much more fulfilling lives.. People needed cars to transport themselves from their homes to the theater, to get to the grocery store, or even something as simple as buying a newspaper.

At first President Hoover did little to solve the depression. He thought that the people and the economy would eventually fall back into place. When he decided to do something, it was too late and the stock market had crashed. He tried the RFC which gave money to failing banks, railroads, and other failing insurance companies.

The early 1920’s in America set up the way America is now. There were different things that happened during this time that has made modern America. A change that happened during the early 20’s was the industrial revolution. The use of cars, other household machines, and new forms of production are wa