Anthem Essay #2

Anthem by Ayn Rand is all about discovering what man’s ego really is. In the book Ayn Rand portrays each character as one whole. Each one character is given a number for their name. They believe that as one they do not need names, but yet categorized numbers. Equality 7-2521 is the main character and all through the book he is in a sense the “trouble maker”. He is the one who commits the transgressions and goes against the laws in his society. As the reader, Ayn Rand makes you believe that Equality 7-2521 is something more than being equal to all his brothers. He helps create the image of what Ayn Rand is trying to get across in the theme of the book. And alongside Equality 7-2521 stands Liberty 5-3000 or better known as the Golden One, is another character that helps display Ayn Rand’s theme. Liberty 5-3000 is one that also commits transgressions and towards the end of the book decides to break free from the pack. She joins Equality 7-2521 in being an individual or a “person”. The other characters are ok with just being average or equal whereas Liberty 5-3000 and Equality 7-2521 want or believe that there is more to life than being just average and equal with everyone else. That is why they come to terms with the word “I”. Ayn Rand uses these characters to construct an image of what man’s ego is and how it can be portrayed in an individual.

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Hi my name is Kailey and i am in 12th grade. I attend New Brighton High School and like to participate in soccer and track and field.

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