Osama Dead

On the night of May 1, 2011 Barack Obama spoke out to the country and said that Osama Bin Laden, leader of Alchida’s terrorist clan was reportedly killed by the secret operation executed by the United States Army. Now that Osama Bin Laden is dead i do not feel safer because our troops are still going to be battling regardless, and the simple fact that Osama was not the only terrorist that exists in our world today. This means that who ever may follow Osama could possibly try to attack the United States if they feel the need to seek vengeance.


Hi I am Tyler and i’m in Sal’s Pd 3.  Negative externalities impose a cost on the third parties in a transaction so therefore are negative to them. Positive externalities however, are beneficial to their third parties. Positive externalities benefit the third parties by creating something that is helpful. The government intervenes to regulate externalities because if they do not try and regulate them then the benefits of a policy would begin to outweigh its costs and if that were to happen then the externalities would be very unbalanced and it would not help anything. With that being said if only one party is helped out then only one party would benefit from it which would cause it to be bad.  The government mainly intervenes to keep the externalities at a necessary balance that will equally help both sides.

one day on earth

Hi I’m Tyler and im in  Mr. Sal’s POD period three class. Our project idea was to take about ten pictures of us babysitting and on the job. The work that we did for the project went rather smoothly, and it was not a very boring project. If i could change anything about the project i would make it so that we could do things more organized throughout the actual process.

pod expectation blog

Hi I’m Tyler B and I’m in mr sal’s pod pd3 class. The two expectations as to what I want to learn throughout the year are to learn some basic information about sociology and psychology, and I would also want to look more in depth into the voting rights that are given to adults. One thing about the technology that i would like to learn about is how to use the smart board. Another thing that i would like to learn about is how to use different tools on websites we visit by using the ipod touches.