Osama Bin Laden

My thoughts on he whole Osama Bim Laden murder are clear. I believe that a bigger war is going to lash out apon us now, or people he is associated with are going to retaliate against the US and more atrocities are going to fall amongst the American people. And the fact that Osama was never truly linked to the 9/11 accident and even said on many occasions, and with all these conspiracy theories out here leaves you thinking about your own leaders intentions. Was May 1, 2011 a mission to arrest Osama or was it just a MURDER MISSION to kill off a voice. Which is going to cause more chaos. Hes death doesnt matter cause were still going to have troops out and killings of war still happening.

One Day On Earth Review

On 10-10-10 i decided to take 10 pictures of what day consisted of. I have a bunch of photos of my nephew because thats who i basically spent the majority of my day with. This project was pretty easy i just regret not really getting in any of the photos that much.


hola! my name is Tenia from period 3, economics.

A example of a positive externality is vaccines, because this is helping to end the capablity of spreading any viruses, flues, and diseases to the public and surrounding people. A example of a negative externality is foreign countries who dont have any sources of toilets, sinks, bathtubs, sewage systems etc. so all their waste are going into the river because that is there only relieable resource to clean off and get rid of feces. So by them doing this people are catching the polio virus and dying.

And the government intervenes to regulate them because if they didnt we would be worse off. Because we wouldnt have people trying to find cures and vaccines to these diseases and save us from them. Or we wouldnt have people putting their foot down saying no, we wont harm the people and environment.

My expectations

Hola, my name is Tenia and I’m in Mr.Salvucci’s 3rd period class. I would like to learn about balancing a checkbook so I can have all my money set straight. I am a senior this year so I am about to be on my own and old enough that I will be taking on my own responsibilities, not mom always handling everything for me. Another thing I would like to learn is how to edit and design videos. Such as put music on the video, add effects and etc. I want to learn that because it seems like a fun thing to learn and just know how to do. I tried before but had no clue on what I was doing so thats another thing I would like to learn.