
Hi I’m Vera T. I’m in Mr. Sal period 3 ECON/POD class. I work with Amanda K. We did our project about bussiness. The reason why is that so many people go out on a weekend. So we figure we can see how many people would be out on a Sunday since 10-10-10 is on a Sunday. I couldn’t really take my picture so we use Amanda K. pictures she had took. At first I really didnt know how to put our pictures in a video. We use like three different websites before we found animoto. I think that our project turn out good but not the why we had wanted it to be. If I would change the fact that i would of taken my picture to make the video even more people.

My Class Expectations

Hi my name is Vera T. I’m in Mr. Sal 3rd period economics/POD. I would love to learn more about my government because I really don’t know anything about my government. Also I would like to learn about how the government make money. Cause people be trying to make fake money and i want to know the different between the real money and the fake money if they both look the same. For the technology I would like to work the smart board becasue you have a whole lot to do with the board. Also how you write on the this pad and then you hook it up to the computer and there go all the notes you took for that day. So that if you lose your notes you can look on the computer and there go your work.