WW1 Game Blog Post

Hello i am Brant S. from Mr Sal’s period 9 20th century class. I was a part of the Great Britain empire.

I spent my economic points buying mostly navy’s and a few army’s because the navy’s were worth two points when you went into battle with another country. The army points were only worth one but it is always good to have army’s for more points.

The country that i made treaties with was the austrian-Hungarian empire, and the German empire because we beat france and we needed more points to beat other countries. So we looked to a smaller less powerful country to help them out and receive territories from our wins at battle which was tha Austrian-Hungarian empire. We made a treaty with the German empire because our allied country was defeated and became a part of another county, so we needed hel so we looked to te German empire for help but the broke the treaty and defeated us.

My country didn’t break any treaties because we needed help from them as much as they needed it from us. We did end up signing another treaty with Germany but they broke the treaty not us.

I am not pleased with my countries outcome because we lost the war and became a part of France. The great Britain empire should of made better treaties with other counties because then mabybe we wouldn’t of lost and had to give up our countries belongings and folded into another country.

I would not of signed a treaty right away i would of waited until we found out who our true enemies are. So that we could alli with the countries that didn’t seem to want to be our enemies.

I do have a better understanding of how diplomacy works in the real world. Because when wwe communicated with other countries we decided when to attack another counrty and what their countries problems were.

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