
Hi this is Samantha from 9th period 20th Century Class.

For the Tuskegee Airmen project that my group and I did for our 20th Century History Class, we choose to do a power point.  My job in the project was to choose a question and answer it.  This was important because my group and I had to pick one question to answer for the power point and answer it completely.  If I didn’t have my question answered, we wouldn’t have the whole projected done and wouldn’t get the grade we should be getting.  It didnt take me long to anwser my question that I had.  I watched the movie and paid attention, so a lot of the information came from the movie, but I also read about the Tuskegee Airmen on the interenet and I know that those men went through a lot of trouble fighting for what they believed in.  It took a long time to change the attitude of most Americans, but the Tuskegee Airmen played a big role in doing that.

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