Sunrise or Sunset? Glass Half Empty or Half Full? Same information, yet different opinions as to what is going on.
In February I found out that Wikispaces was shutting down for good this year. As a free user, I had until the end of May to migrate many years, over 10, of student information to a new Internet space. If I did nothing, all of that information would disappear forever. Student projects would disappear, student notes and resources would be be gone, years of work from many people would just evaporate into nothing.
At first I was devastated, Wikispaces was my first online presence and online class workspace. From a nostalgic perspective I was losing a part of my history, from a practical standpoint I was losing a major tool out of my repertoire with days if not months of work ahead to try and salvage as much information as I possibly could.
As time has passed, I realized that this entire situation can be considered a new beginning with the potential to really expand my knowledge base. This brings about short and long term goals that I must meet or lose a lot of information and history.
In the short term, I re-examined PBwiki, I remembered this sight from my first experience building an online presence. This site was passed over for Wikispaces when I first started this journey, oh the irony…right? Well, I jumped back into it and started building a new site, combining my student note wiki with my student project wiki. PBwiki limits the number of sites one can use per email address, so combining the two was a necessity.
The wiki I used for my professional development presentations and educational resources can be found here, at least until the end of May. It is being migrated to a separate PBwiki. I kept this as a separate wiki because I do not know how the storage limits will affect my information yet.
The long play is that I am playing around with Weebly and Google Sites as possible support or complimentary resources for my work. There is always the possibility to expand my main web presence, into a larger project. For now these are just thoughts, with the main work focusing on saving the past and migrating a plethora of information to PBwiki.
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