Japanese Internment Video Comparison by Dash G

First Video

The messages in the video were about how they wanted all Japanese people out of the way.I believe they got in the way of us destroying the invaders,but this statement is accurate because i believe it tells portrayal about japanese-americans .The 5 details I have from the video are,They transferred several thousands Japanese Americans residents from the pacific coast to point towards American interior.The 2nd,when the japanese attacks pearl harbor they tried to make our west coast a warzone and the united states were not having it.The 3rd detail, the japanese tried invade the shores of Los Angeles and the japanese people in America were helping them , by the way there was more japanese people than americans in Los Angeles.The 4th detail,The japanese controlled the shipyards,oil wells and airports they were all over the place covering the city.The last detail, they made all japanese people get away from the shore and move into inland they even put posters on the poles for them.These are my 5 details about the first video.


 The message in the second video was about the Japanese Americans and what happened to them before the war was about to happen.I do believe that it tells an accurate portrayal of the Japanese Americans.On december 7th 1941 the empire of japan launch a attack on the base pearl harbor.Japanese-Americans were sent to camps because of the united states thought that they were disloyal(there was many immigrants at this time).FDR signed a Executive order in 1942 on february 19th.Then FDR put ten big camps around the world filling them with japanese americans, there was  120,000 of them just in the western part of USA.The camps where open for 3 years and they were isolated in the middle of the hot arizona desert.During the war people were going broke and needed money so they started to sell their building for extra money.The Japanese got a chance to fight for the americans and that’s what they did.After the war was over the remaining people that came back from the war they got sent back to their homes,even the people in the camps everyone got sent home.These are my 5 details about the second video and my opinion.

I believe the second video tells more about the situation with the Japanese Americans.The reason why i said this is because,it tells us what happen to them before the war started and what they did in course of the war.I believe the second video gives out more input on how they survive,what they did,how they did it and information about the war.This is why i choose the 2nd video to support the details.

Published by

Dominic Salvucci

Teacher, Father, Husband, Poet/Philosopher, Life Long Learner.

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