Eclipse Creativity Project by Matt S.

From- Matt S

In the vast sky, the sun and moon align,

A dance of shadows, a moment divine.


The eclipse arrives, a celestial show,

Day turns to night, a magical flow.


The moon embraces the sun’s warm light,

A fleeting kiss in the dark of night.


Stars twinkle brightly, the world holds its breath,

Nature’s spectacle, a union of life and death.


Birds cease their songs, the world stands still,

As shadows dance on every hill.


A moment of wonder, a sight so rare,

The eclipse’s beauty, beyond comparison.


In the shadow’s embrace, we find our place,

Connected to the cosmos, in awe we gaze.


The sun and moon, in perfect symmetry,

A timeless reminder of our place in eternity.

Published by

Dominic Salvucci

Teacher, Father, Husband, Poet/Philosopher, Life Long Learner.

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