Tuskegee Airmen CCR

The movie “The Tuskegee Airmen” was about African Americans who were being trained to become pilots in the United States Air Corps. Each of the men were called out to the military base in Tuskegee to learn how to fly and also how to react in combat. Although some of the men died in flight training, most of them were sent overseas. When the Tuskegee Airmen first joined the military, they were looked down upon, what with the level of racism in America at the time. Over time, the white pilots began to realize how important the African Americans were to the Air Corps. In the end, the Tuskegee Airmen earned the respect they deserved, and were even awarded the opportunity to escort bombers into Berlin.

Immigration Carl L.

Hi. My name is Carl L. in 1st period 20th Century. Immigration was a major issue in the late 1800s to the early 1900s. About 25 million immigrants came into the United States between 1880 and 1920. Many of the immigrants who came spoke English, but a lot of them couldn’t and were poorly educated. The reason most immigrants came to the United States was because of the lack of economic opportunity in their home countries.

WWI Game cawl

Hello. My name is Carl L, and I am in Mr. Sal’s Period 1 20th Century class. I was a part of the United States in the game we played.
We spent an equal amount on everything, except our Navy. We spent most of our economic points on our Navy, but we still recieved economic points because we didnt blow everything on it.
We made treaties with France and Germany, because they were already well built up, and would make us more powerful. We did not break our treaties. I am pleased with our country’s outcome because we dominated the opposing empire.
I would not do anything differently. Everything we did helped us overcome our enemies. We spent our economic points wisely, and it all worked out.
I somewhat have a better understanding of how diplomacy works. By playing this game, I learned that if you make the right decisions at the right time, and make friends who are willing to help, you can come out on top.


Hi. My name is Carl l in period 1 20th century. I want to learn a bout wars and inventions. I’ve always liked history because I like learning about past wars like Vietnam and older technology before computers and phones. I’m curious about how things will work using the iPods. I Also want to learn to type better with these small screens because I’m not good at it.