World War 1 Game

I am Gage H. and im in Mr. Sals 1st period class. I was apart of the country Germany before WWI came. Not that many economic points when we started out but thats ok because we have a good strategy.

When we first started out our country agreed to spend all our economic points on colony’s and industry’s. Only so it can multiply and we can get stronger quicker. For like the first three rounds we spent all points on colony’s and industry’s. After that then we started spending points on our military and colony’s and industry’s then eventually we started spending all our money on our navy and army.

We made an alliance with a country named France. They had a good military while we were building our country. Together combined we were a strong country. After a couple more rounds the country U.S.A declared war on us. We went to war with them and afterwards we signed a peace treaty.

I was very pleased with the outcome that all three of our countries did. We took on the rest of the classroom. We were very strongand had a very good strategy. I wouldnt have changed anything about it because it came out great in the end. Then we came in second out of all of the classrooms.

immigration problems

My name is Gage Hammerle and my project is on immigration. The problem with immigration is that around 1880 there were alot of people that were trying to come in the United States. Between 1880 and 1920 about 25 million people were in te country that were immigrants. Thats half the people living in the entire country in 1880. There wasn’t enough jobs and land to support that many people comming in at once. People needed jobs, people had large families to take care of and they all needed a roof over there heads.

Before 1890 most of the immigrants mostly came from northern and western Europe, Great Britain, Ireland, Germany and Scandinavian countries. Most of these peoplecould speak English good or atleast pretty well. Between 1890 and 1920 about 80 percent of all immigrants came from southern and eastern Europe. Most of these people had the same religion that revolve around the same single god.

These are some facts about immigrants but the issue is more so people need jobs and its not just about freedom. Its about oppurtunity. with all those people buisnesses needed to be made and people to run the buisness. There really isn’t a solution because people still come to this day. we kinda need them and again we kinda don’t. There is positive outcomes and negative outcomes of this problem which i would even really say is a problem. And if it is a problem we created it.

I am mr Gage hammerle. I am in mr. Sals 20th century class period 1. I’m white not to be racist or anything but it’s true. 2 things I way to learn are different religions because I like the study of other religions which would technically make me an occultist but I am not I’m gage hAmmerle. Another thing I would like to learn is The way people live I mean it’s no my biggest intrest but it helps me fill up my blog.