My Blog Osama Bin Ladens Death (Stewart S.)

Since Osama bin Ladens death I have felt a little safer than i have in the past few years. I also feel that everything should be peaceful for awhile but its not going to last because something new will happen. I do think though that someone will eventually take over Osama bin Ladens place as leader of Al Qaeda.  Right now I’m just going to enjoy the peace and quite for as long as possible.


Hi my name is Stewart S. and I am in Mr. Sal’s Econ/Pod class Period 3. I will be answering a question about positive and negative extranalities and why the government regulates them. Industry can be split into two types of groups; negative extranalities and positive extranalities. Negative Extranalities are products that harm people or the enviroment. So the government would step in to try and regulate these negative extranalities since they harm the people who buy it and all the people in that products enviroment. The second group is whats called positive extranalities and these are products that help benefit people in some way, shape, or form. The government would regulate this so that more of these positive extranalites can be produced for people to have or uses.

One day on earth blog

Hi I’m Stewart and I am in Econ/Pod period 3. In this class we had to do a project called One Day On Earth and my group chose to do firefighting for our project. We chose this project because we felt that it would be easy to accomplish and to get done which in my eyes it was. My job for this project was to go and actually get all the pictures that we needed to get this project done and I feel with the work we did that our project turned out good. There are a few things though that I would like to change if I could. The first thing I would have liked to done differently would be instead of using a song from animoto it would have been cool if we recorded our on song like we did plan to do in the first place. The last thing would be that I would have liked to have gotten some more pictures for this project but the ones we do have I do not regret.

Stewart s’s expectations

Hi my name is Stewart S. and I’m in Mr. Sals Econ/Pod period 3. In this class this year I want to learn how to balance a check book because I feel it will be an important skill for after high school to know. Another subject I would like to learn more about would psychology because for the career I am interested in involves a lot of psychology. This year I would also like to learn more about the smart board that is in the class because we as students never really get to use it and I think it would be a good skill to have in the future. Another piece of technology that I would like to learn more about would be the iPods that we use in class because this year is the first year that I have used them and I feel that this would be a good skill to have for college.