Social Problems

Hello, I’m Tika R. from Mr. Sal’s ninth period 20th Century History class. Social Problems were associated with a lot of crime, loss of jobs, and some people believed that cities were threatening. Social Problems is defined as the range of conditions and aberrant behaviors which are held to be manifestions of social disorganization and to warrant changing. One of the problems was that people worked in the cities and got very little pay so they had to work other jobs and some jobs were illegal. Another problem was that apartments had no source of fresh air and the structure of them were built in dumbbell form (I); they had dangerous air shafts. Robert M. LaFollette tried to fix some of the social problems. He opposed schemes for heavier taxing on large buildings to cover the cost of conflict. LaFollette discovered the oil scandal and campaigned for public ownership of railroads and utilities. I believe this helped some of the social problems because with people losing their jobs they could turn into thieves and steal oil.

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