Child Labor

Hello I am Zachary W from Mr.Sal’s period 6 20th class. Child labor does a lot of harm to children. Child labor is having children under the age of 15 working usually hard labor for very low wages. Childlabor is wrong for numerous reasons. It hurts a Childs development, and is just plain cruel. The International labor organization’s fouded a program called IPEC to help eradicate child labor. Thousands of kids march 125 miles to president Roosevelt home with Marry Harris Jones support to help get rid of the labor. However this did not help the problem because Roosevelt feared publicity from the leader and just said no. This problem remained all throughout the early 20th century. It did not become a law untill the Child Labor Deterrence Act of 1999 was passed. It allowed for no purchasing of goods made from kids overseas under the age of 15.

The first reason of child labor is that it can hurt a little kids physical and mental develpoment. Carrying big items around in factories all day can cause hernias and back problems. It can make the kid angry later in life beacause of all the unfair treatment he/she had. Socially it will hurts because the child will have no social skills because he couldn’t go to school because he/she had to work. Having children work in a man’s mill can get the child kill because they can lack the comon knowlegde of the equipment. Usually kids are also treated poorly and looked down upon in the work force and also are given most of the share of manuel labor. They are paid low wadges also for what they do and most of them had to support their family thats why they worked.

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