Osama Bin Laden

Osama Bin Laden is one of the most feared men in all of American Society or for that matter the whole globe. He is featured on the U.S.’s FBI ten most wanted list, and also the World’s ten most wanted list. He is mostly responsible for the September 11 2001 attacks on the U.S. He also has conflicts with other countries such as England, France, and Spain, so he is pretty much hated everywhere he goes. The U.S. has been searching for him for just about a decade. But he is manly liked and considered a hero in countries such as Pakistan and, Afghanistan. But on May 1, 2011 he was killed by U.S. forces combined of 25 Military Men. He was killed because he was resisting to surrendering. The U.S. CIA gained intelligence of his whereabouts in August 2010.

Tuskeegee Airmen

The Tuskeegee Airmen was put into place during World War 2. It was a troop of African-American fighter pilots. Whom were trained in Tuskeegee Alabama. It was put into place becasue the Army Air Corps needed more people and African-Americans could only be cooks and jobs of that nature so it gave them an opportunity for advancement. It also gave psychologist another research project. They researched the I.Q. levels of the pilots.
There was alot of grief over the African-American advancement in the Army. Alot of people douted that they could even fly a airplane. Alot of there white counterparts were racist to them and never gave them a chance to belief in what they have accomplished. But in the later parts of the war after accpetence was made they were requested by bombers to be escourts, becuase they nerver lost a single bomber to a German fighter jet. White pilots started to see what they were capable of and started respecting them for it.
I think by the end of the war they proved alot. That no matter what ethnic group you are it doesn’t mean you can’t fly an airplane or fight in a war. The Tuskegee Airmen proved that, in that they never lost one single bomber to a dogfight. I think they left behind a rich African-American history or tradition in flying. They also help desegregate the armed forces for African-Americans to come and go. After the war was over there was no doubt in anybodies mind that the Tuskegee Airmen help win the aireal war battle.

World War 1 Game

Hello my name is Zachary W. from Mr.Sal’s period 6 20th Century class. I was part of Great Britain in the World War One Game.
In the World War One Game we spent most of our economic points on buliding our Navy for defense and some on a Army. A Navy is critical in any country for war or battle. In real life a Navy is good for Great Britain, becasue they are surrounded by water and have to have a good Naval defense. Our team made treaties with the Austrian-Hungarian Empire becasue they had a good Naval defense as well. We also came to terms with the Ottoman Empire to because they had a good amount of colonies. We broke our first treaty at the beginning of the game with Austiran-Hungarian Empire becasue we knew they were not as strong as us, and becasue they would rely on us for various protection. But they got stronger at the end. I am pleased with the way we governed our country becasue in the end we won the ultimate goal which was the War. We beat the U.S.A., Russia, and Germany. The only thing that we should have done more of was buy more colonies becasue that is what we lacked in. I think that I did not have a better understanding of diplomacy becasue I did not really pay attention in the game as much as I should have and I learn from a book better than I do at a game.

Child Labor

Hello I am Zachary W from Mr.Sal’s period 6 20th class. Child labor does a lot of harm to children. Child labor is having children under the age of 15 working usually hard labor for very low wages. Childlabor is wrong for numerous reasons. It hurts a Childs development, and is just plain cruel. The International labor organization’s fouded a program called IPEC to help eradicate child labor. Thousands of kids march 125 miles to president Roosevelt home with Marry Harris Jones support to help get rid of the labor. However this did not help the problem because Roosevelt feared publicity from the leader and just said no. This problem remained all throughout the early 20th century. It did not become a law untill the Child Labor Deterrence Act of 1999 was passed. It allowed for no purchasing of goods made from kids overseas under the age of 15.

The first reason of child labor is that it can hurt a little kids physical and mental develpoment. Carrying big items around in factories all day can cause hernias and back problems. It can make the kid angry later in life beacause of all the unfair treatment he/she had. Socially it will hurts because the child will have no social skills because he couldn’t go to school because he/she had to work. Having children work in a man’s mill can get the child kill because they can lack the comon knowlegde of the equipment. Usually kids are also treated poorly and looked down upon in the work force and also are given most of the share of manuel labor. They are paid low wadges also for what they do and most of them had to support their family thats why they worked.

Course blog expecatations

Hello my name is Zach W and i am in 20th century United State History class. The first thing i would like to learn about or expect to in class this year would have to be the vietnam conflict. I would like to learn about the vietnam war because it was a confict that left over 58,000 United States Americans dead. The war also last for about 19 years. It was also part of the cold war movement in which the United States was battling technological advances with the U.S.S.R. The Next thing that i would expect to learn about in my class is world war I. One reason why I would like to learn about that subject is because i have no clue why it even happen and who was even envolved I just know that there was one and thats it. You never hear anybody these days talking about world war I but you always or most of the time hear about world war II.

I expect to learn how to use the ipods in class this year. I expect that i will learn how to use various programs on the ipod to learn about the history of America. Also i am gussing we are going to learn how to properly use a Macintosh Computer. The reason for that being we might have to use various programs offered on that for projects that is not offered on Windows. I would like to learn the Macintosh also because in today’s world more and more people are begining to use Mac over PC.