World War I Simulation Game

Hello. My name is Erica, I am in Mr. Salvucci’s 9th period 20th Century Class. Last Week in class we played a World War I Simulation Game. Each group had three to four people in a group. Each group was assigned a country or empire. The concept of the game was to fight other world countries to take over they’re things and to get the overall highest score between all the groups competing in the game. The country i was apart of was France.

To start the game out, each group gas given a random amoun of points along with their country. You had to put your economic points into either navy, army, colonies, or industries. Increasing your industries amd your colonies gave you economic points you were able to spend in the next round through. Also, all navy points were doubled. One day in class was considered one year for your country or empire. In order to make your empire stronger you had too increase your navy and army. My group spent the most points on the navy so we could have double and if we had to end up in war we would defeat the other countries.

Each country was able make treaties with other countries. The treaties must be signed by the country you were to side with. However, a treaty could be broken so you had too make sure you trusted who you were taking sides with. While in a treaty countries could share economic points, army, and navy. We made a treaty with Outtoman and Great Britian and we stuck with them until the end.

I was fairly deffinately pleased with my countries outcome. Although, our country started out weak we made it fairly strong over time and we had strong allies as well. My country went to was only one time and we lost. Towards the end of the game, a country forfitted and gave France everything they had. This gave us a huge advantage but we decided not to go to war with anyone in the class. France ended up crushing all classes points.

Throughout this whole game I have acquired a better understanding of diplomacy. In a real life situation like this you would need to be very careful who you made treaties with and who you could trust. Some countries may be stronger, but they may try to back stab you in the end. All in all, this WWI game was a fun and educational way to help us understand what it takes too build a strong nation and who you can trust when it comes to war.

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