wwI Game

This is Brandon L. from Mr.Sal’s pd. 9 20th Century class.  We played a World War I game and my team represented the country Germany.  We started out slow, but the next turn we bought the army and the navy and started to build them up.   As we got more money, we just kept buying the military and we where getting strong.

We spent the points on the army and the navy to help out when we went to war.  So we can be as powerful as we can be. We added them to see how many  points we would have to battle the other people in the war.

Germany made treaties with Europe and Asia, and we told them to help Germany out in battle.  They can back us up if anything happens to us and we would do the same thing to them.  They said okay and because of that we were able to battle anyone that came our way.

Yes, we did break up treaties with Europe becaus they wanted to battle us, but we said we do not want you on our side.   So we told them to leave because we will get our other people after you and see what will happen to you.

Yes, I was pleased with Germany because we destroyed every one in our way and we would win every battle we had coming up.  Germany was so powerful that we could not be stopped.

I would not change anything at all because it was fun the way we play the game.  The game help me out a lot to understand what was going on. I learned a lot of the wwI and it was a good way to learned what happen back in thoes years. There is a lot more to learned about the war.

Yes i have a better understand of diplomacy because we would trade different things throw the game and they will trade back. It help out to understand how the world work’s and what goes on in life. We trade throw different country and to some of them to trade with us.

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