Japanese Internment Video Comparison by Logan B

After I watched the first video I believe that the USA is trying to turn people against Japan. I have reasons for believing this. My reason is in the beginning where the man says “Living in that zone were more than 100,000 persons of Japanese decent, two-thirds of them american decent, one-third aliens, knew that some among them were dangerous” talking about the Japanese-Americans around the west coast. By this he is implying that they were dangerous trying to portray to people that they are bad.

After watching the second video I believe that they are trying to get people to feel bad for Japan. I have reasons for believing this. A reason why I believe that they are trying to get people to feel bad for Japan is he says everything in a way where it victimizes Japan.

I believe that the second video is more accurate. The reason I believe this is because I believe that the second video is less biased than the first one, and I think it’s filled with more facts. The first one was made around when it was going on so there was more propaganda and bias. These are the reasons why I believe that the second video is more accurate than the first video.

Published by

Dominic Salvucci

Teacher, Father, Husband, Poet/Philosopher, Life Long Learner.

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