The “Completely Pointless” Royal Pain

I think the royal family is a completely pointless relic of a bygone age so when they went crazy over a wedding, for one of their beloved Princes, I thought even more less of them. The Wedding took a day just like a normal wedding in the US but it cost over two billion dollars ,that could of been put towards a better cause, and was televised over and over again. Then those people had the nerve to show the “Royal Wedding Highlights” repeatedly over an entire weekend of my life, one which I shall truly never get back. There was no reason we needed to know about the wedding. The people over there were just throwing the curious people of the United states a CURIOUS bone, knowing that over half the United States of CURIOUSITY that we are are going to grab it. I mean the person who caused 9 freaking 11 was killed and yet I bet we wont have an entire weekend dedicated to how the U.S. possibly just started WWIII or peace for the time being. It is with great power and freedom of speech that I tell the world just how much I didn’t like the “Royal Pain” of a wedding between whats there names. _Terrance_

WWI Game

This is Terrance T. from Mr. Sal’s 9th Period 20th Century Class. We played a game to represent the countries of the first World War and were given the continents to play for. We were the the country of Great Britain and we fought valiantly although in the end we had to throw the white flag and give in to defeat.

During the game we were given things called economic points which let us gain imaginary money. We used the imaginary money to buy and assortment of things from navy to colonies too but focused more on navy because it doubled and gave us more power.

With the power we gained as Great Britain, we (as called by the class) went power hungry and attacked people with the combine power of our allied nations. We made treaties with the USA, Australia-Hungary, and although short lived we had a treaty with Germany. In the end Germany ripped up our treaty and attacked us. We lost and but for the most part we gave up.

The outcome of the entire event was we gave up, very simple. The remaining countries stayed allied and literary annihilated the other classes. The allied countries added up close to 1000 navy ,which was power in the game,and left the other classes with no hope at all, but there were some changes in our class that were different from all the others.

One major change in our class was that we simply gave up and didn’t go to war. We gave whatever country we liked all our money, navy, colonies….etc. It was this change that gave our class the victory in the game and in the war.

To my understanding we basically played the parts of the countries who were at war. We got to see just how too much power or not enough power could lead to war and better yet chaos. In the end we learned how its too easy for war to start…

Trusts in the Industry

My name is Terrance T. and I’m in Mr. Sal’s 20th Century history class period 9. I’m going to talk about Trust which is a combination of companies that dominate an industry so kinda like an unfair competition in the industry and the pros and cons that they cause. Also some of the solutions to help deal with these problems along with the some of the people responsible for the solutions.

The cons of trust are very simple. One was simply that businesses with enough money would eventually buyout Other businesses and leave people jobless in doing so if the business screwed up the stocks there could be another great depression. A a pro is that some of the large companies provided benefits to it’s workers and consumers like lowering the cost of producing goods to being able to afford development and use new machinery. Benefits are done to this day in most jobs to get workers.

Another con was that the money from trust may have given companies the ability to be more efficient but had a heavier price on us with increasing human suffering such as urban growth and over populization with no space.

Class Expectation

My name is Terrance T. Some expectations that I have for this class are that i would like to learn about the Wars of the 1900’s and the weapon differences from then to now because they are interesting and important parts of our history. I am also interested in the difference in laws from that time to see if anything has been changed or added. I would like to become more comfortable with edublogs and edmodo as well because i understand them both to an extent but not completely.