Tuskeegee Airmen

The Tuskeegee Airmen was put into place during World War 2. It was a troop of African-American fighter pilots. Whom were trained in Tuskeegee Alabama. It was put into place becasue the Army Air Corps needed more people and African-Americans could only be cooks and jobs of that nature so it gave them an opportunity for advancement. It also gave psychologist another research project. They researched the I.Q. levels of the pilots.
There was alot of grief over the African-American advancement in the Army. Alot of people douted that they could even fly a airplane. Alot of there white counterparts were racist to them and never gave them a chance to belief in what they have accomplished. But in the later parts of the war after accpetence was made they were requested by bombers to be escourts, becuase they nerver lost a single bomber to a German fighter jet. White pilots started to see what they were capable of and started respecting them for it.
I think by the end of the war they proved alot. That no matter what ethnic group you are it doesn’t mean you can’t fly an airplane or fight in a war. The Tuskegee Airmen proved that, in that they never lost one single bomber to a dogfight. I think they left behind a rich African-American history or tradition in flying. They also help desegregate the armed forces for African-Americans to come and go. After the war was over there was no doubt in anybodies mind that the Tuskegee Airmen help win the aireal war battle.

My group finished our project within the time that was given to us in the computer lab in class. Each of the members in our group answered one question. In the two days we were there, I researched some information that answered question number 2. Ryan answered number 3 while Clarissa answered number 1. However, Clare was the one who did our audio from her brother’s studio.

Tuskegee Airmen

How the Tuskegee airmen got started, the U.S. government figured as an experiment they’d attempt to train colored pilots to see if they could successfully fly in combat situations. It all started in the pre-war times, when the idea was hatched. Negro Air Corps cadets were chosen and took their flying tests which all that were chosen to go to Tuskegee passed with “flying” colors. Of the initial thirteen black pilots; five successfully completed training.
The attitudes towards the Tuskegee Airmen were not so great at times. White pilots didn’t really accept them yet as pilots nor did they really trust them in the air. Like in the movie, you saw how the two African Americans saved the two white pilots from the enemies. When the white pilots went to the base where the two African Americans were at they saw that they were African American pilots who saved them, and the white pilots didn’t respect them at all. If the Tuskegee Airmen just made one mistake the White officers would try to eliminate the Tuskegee men from missions. After a while, white pilots started respecting them because they finally saw that African Americans can actually fly planes and do what the white pilots do.
The legacies that the Tuskegee Airmen showed were that African Americans can do the same things white people do. The Airmen showed that it doesn’t matter how much stuff they had to put up with in the military. They could push through it and stay on board with the missions. African Americans did take a lot trouble in the military but they worked through it and they showed everybody that they can do it.

Tuskegee Airman

Austin, from Mr. Sal’s Period 6 20th century

The Tuskegee Airman came to be when the army air core decided to experiment with colored pilots and there effectiveness, what they found amazed them. Not only could the Tuskegee Airman fly they excelled at it quickly becoming one of the best fighter battalions in the air core. Thought they were excellent pilots they still received controversy from the states. Some saw the colored battalion as a weakness and sought to have it terminated. This did not deter the pilots of the 99th. The 99th soon proved its effectiveness in battle when they rescued an allied bomber and shot down the enemy aircraft pursuing it. The 99th was soon after requested by bomber squadrons because of there effectiveness and ability to keep the bombers in the air. The 99th pursuit squadron better known as the, Tuskegee Airman, were an elite group of army air core pilots. There major setback at the time was that they were colored.  Most White pilots saw this and accepted the 99th as a squadron due to there abilities as pilots. These airmen not only were fighting for freedom but also they were fighting for desegregation in the states. These men of the 99th paved the way for colored men in the air core and showed the masses that colored men were as capable as white men. The legacy of the Tuskegee Airman continues as they were the first black pilots and will always be remember as such.


Hi this is Samantha from 9th period 20th Century Class.

For the Tuskegee Airmen project that my group and I did for our 20th Century History Class, we choose to do a power point.  My job in the project was to choose a question and answer it.  This was important because my group and I had to pick one question to answer for the power point and answer it completely.  If I didn’t have my question answered, we wouldn’t have the whole projected done and wouldn’t get the grade we should be getting.  It didnt take me long to anwser my question that I had.  I watched the movie and paid attention, so a lot of the information came from the movie, but I also read about the Tuskegee Airmen on the interenet and I know that those men went through a lot of trouble fighting for what they believed in.  It took a long time to change the attitude of most Americans, but the Tuskegee Airmen played a big role in doing that.

Tuskegee Airmen

Hello, This is Jenea M. and Jesse G.from Mr. Sals and Ms. Beyers 1st period 20th Century Class.

The Tuskegee Airmen were a group of aspiring pilots, who came to the Tuskegee Airbase to begin training to become fighter pilots in the war.  During the training they were discriminated against for being African Americans.  The white pilots thought that they were insufficient compared to themselves.  These pilots in training were put to tough tests, flight school, and manuverability test in the airplanes.  After getting their pilots license, they started scouting and doing ground patrol runs.

The white airmen didnt want to share the same space as the African Americans because they thought they were not good enough to fight in the war.  Unbeknownst to their knowledge that they actually needed the African American pilots to help escort the bomber planes so they wouldnt lose their men to the opposing enemy planes.  They needed them because they were better than what some white pilots and captains predicted.

The preception that the Tuskegee Airmen had changed was that colored men were just as good as the white men, if not better. They could fly and fight and bring down the enemy jusy as well as the white pilots could. They proved that everyone can do whatever they want no matter what color their skin was.

summary of tuskegee airmen assignment

Hi…it’s Brandon L. from the 9th period 20th Century History Class.

I picked a blog because it was one of the easiest ways for me to complete the assignment and I can get a lot of it done over the internet.   I use the internet as a resource all the time.

What I found interesting about the Tuskegee airmen assignment was that, first of all, we got to watch a good movie about them and I really liked watching it during class.  The Tuskegee Airmen were all in it together and they flew planes through the sky and shot down the enemy airplanes  so they can protect the bombers from the enemy.  Before they were allowed to fly, they had to go through training, which was really hard on them.  None of the white officers had faith in them.  They were prejudice against them.  They made them work harder than anyone else in the service, but the Tuskegee Airmen did it anyway.  The reason they stuck with it was because they wanted to fight for their freedom–the freedom of their country and the freedom of their own people.  They were sick of being treated unfairly and they thought if they could be successful, this would prove to everyone that they were just as good as the white people.  In the end, some people died, but the Tuskegee Airmen were successful, because they flew their missions without ever losing one bomber to the enemy.  They also proved that they were just as good as the white people and the white guys even started to request them for their missions.

Tuskegee Airmen

The Tuskegee Airmen were a group of African American’s who were the first to become pilots in the military. On April 3, 1939, Public Law 18 was passed which aloud the Army Air Corps to become larger. This law aloud African Americans to do more with their military careers. On January 16, 1941 the War Department announced the 99th Pursuit Squadron. This was an all black flying unit where they trained at Tuskegee Institute located in Tuskegee, Alabama. Charles A. Anderson taught himself how to fly on his own, an created a training program at the Institute in 1939. From 1941 to 1946, over 2,000 African Americans completed the training at the institute. Over half of those men were qualified as pilots. They were soon known to be named the Tuskegee Airmen. During the war, the 99th Pursuit Squadron flew over the Mediterranean and Europe as bomber escorts. The airmen never losted a bomber to enemy fighters. The Tuskegee Airmen changed the belief that African Americans couldn’t be responsible for military service. They played a huge part in the military that it is now.